
Rita Abrahamsen

Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Ottawa

Research Fellow

Centre for International and Comparative Politics
Stellenbosch University

The Global Rise of the Radical Right: Transnational Alliances

Politics and Rights Review September 2024
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SciencePo Lecture

Lecture at SciencesPo, Paris and interview about World of the Right
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Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Very happy to announce that I have been awarded a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship and will be spending the 2024-25 academic year at the University of Birmingham.
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How Not to Counter the Radical Right

New piece in The Conversation.
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Discussion of World of the Right in DISSENT

The latest issue of Dissent includes a roundtable discussion of our book World of the Right.
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World of the Right

The book is out! World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order.
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