Rita Abrahamsen's

Curriculum Vitae



  • Professor of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, 2011- present
  • Associate Professor of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa, 2009-2011
  • Lecturer; Senior Lecturer; Reader in International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth 1998-2008

Academic Leadership

  • Director, Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS), University of Ottawa, 2017-2023
  • Chair of the Board, African Peacebuilding Network, Social Science Research Council, 2020-2024

Other Employment

  • Journalist and news anchor, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, 1988-1992

Affiliations and Visiting Appointments

  • Research Fellow, Centre for International and Comparative Politics, Stellenbosch University 2024-present
  • Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), University College London, 2024
  • Fellow, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), 2023
  • Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Center for Global Cooperation Research. University of Duisburg-Essen, 2021
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Government and International Relations. University of Sydney, 2017.
  • Visiting Researcher, Collaborative Research Centre, University of Leipzig, 2017
  • Visiting Professor, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London 2017
  • Visiting Professor, Centre d’études de relations internationals (CERI), Sciences Po, Paris, 2015
  • Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Center for Advanced Security Theory, University of Copenhagen, 2010
  • Senior Research Associate, INEX Project, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), 2009
  • Visiting Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Queensland, 2009
  • Visiting Fellow, Department of Law, European University Institute, 2007
  • Visiting Fellow, Graduate Institute of Humanities, University of Cape Town, 2003
  • Visiting Fellow, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, 2000-2001


  • Ph.D. - University of Swansea, Politics and International Relations, 1999
  • BSc.Econ (Hons) - University of Swansea, Development Studies, 1993
  • MA - Journalism and Media, Volda University College, 1988    
  • Grunnfag - Third World Studies, Agder University, 1985



  • World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order, co-authored with J.F Drolet, M.C. Williams, S. Vucetic, A. K. Narita, and A. Gheciu (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2024)
  • Handbook of Private Security Studies, co-edited with A. Leander (London: Routledge, 2016)
  • Conflict, Security and Development in Africa, Editor, (Oxford: James Currey Press, 2013)
  • Security Beyond the State: Private Security in International Politics, co-authored with M. C. Williams (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011)
  • Disciplining Democracy: Development Discourse and Good Governance in Africa (London: Zed Books, 2000)
  • Sudut Gelap Kemajuan - Indonesian Edition of Disciplining Democracy (Jakarta: LADFAL, 2004)
  • The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Politics, associate editor with N. Cheeseman, G. Khadiagala, P.A. Medie, R.B. Riedl and E. Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020)

Special Issues

  • “The Transformative Effect of International Peacekeeping”, International Affair 100(3) 2024. Co-editors P. Albrecht, L. Patey and P.D. Williams
  • “The African Union, Pan-Africanism, and the Liberal World (Dis)Order”, Global Studies Quarterly 3(3) 2023. Co-editors B. Chimhandamba and F. Chipato
  • “Middle Power Liberal Internationalism in an Illiberal World”,  International Journal 74(1) 2019. Co-editors L. Anderson and O.J. Sending
  • “Security in an Urban Age”, Security Dialogue 40(4/5) 2009. Co-editors M.C. Williams and D. Hubert
  • “Security Privatization in Contemporary Africa”, Review of African Political Economy 35(118) 2008. Co-editor M.C. Williams
  • “Security Beyond the State”, International Relations, 21(3) 2007. Co-editor M.C. Williams.
  • “War and the Forgotten Continent”, Review of African Political Economy, 96 (30) 2003. Co-editor R. Bush


  • “From Peacekeeping Missions to Global Peacekeeping Assemblages”,
    International Affairs 100(3) 2024:899-917. Co-authors P. Albrecht, L. Patey and P.D. Williams
  • “Introduction: The African Union, Pan-Africanism and the Liberal World (Dis)Order”,
    Global Studies Quarterly 3(3) 2023:1-10. Co-authors B. Chimhandamba and F. Chipato
  • “Canada and the African Union: Towards a Shared Agenda”,
    Canadian Journal of African Studies 57(3) 2023: 731-747.C o-author B. Chimhandamba
  • “Uganda’s Fraudulent Election”,
    Journal of Democracy 32(2) 2021:90-104. Co-author Gerald Bareebe
  • “Confronting the International Political Sociology of the New Right”,
    International Political Sociology 14(1) 2020: 94-107.C o-authors J-F Drolet, A. Gheciu, K. Narita, S. Vucetic and M.C. Williams
  • “Internationalists, Sovereigntists, Nativists: Contending Visions of World Order in Pan-Africanism”,
    Review of International Studies 46(1) 2020: 56-74. 
  • “Defensive Development, Combative Contradictions: Towards an International Political Sociology of Global Militarism in Africa”,
    Conflict, Security & Development 19(6) 2019:543-562.
  • “Introduction: Making Liberal Internationalism Great Again?”,
    International Journal 74(1) 2019: 5–14. Co-authors L. Anderson and O.J. Sending
  • “Return of the Generals? Global Militarism in Africa from the Cold War to the Present”, Security Dialogue 49(1-2) 2018: 32-43.  
    Translated as “Retorno dos Generais? Militarismo Global na África da Guerra Fria ao  Presente”, Cadernos Cedec (129) 2020: 8-31 (Brazil)
  • “Africa and International Relations: Assembling Africa, Studying the World”,
    African Affairs 116(462) 2017: 125-139.
  • “Uganda’s 2016 Election: Not Even Faking It Anymore”,
    African Affairs 115(461) 2017: 751-765. Co-author Gerald Bareebe
  • “Exporting Decentered Security Governance: The Tensions of Security Sector Reform”, Global Crime 17(2-4) 2016: 281-295.
    Reprinted in Mark Bevir, ed., Decentering Security: Policing Communities at Home and Abroad (London: Routledge, 2018).
  • “Security Privatization and Global Security Assemblages”,
    Brown Journal of World Affairs XVIII(1) 2011: 171-180. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Rekonfigurering av sikkerhet og global sikkerhestskonstellasjoner”,
    Internasjonal Politikk 69 (3) 2011:471-481. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Guest Editors’ Introduction”,
    Security Dialogue 40(4/5) 2009: 363-372.C o-authors M.C. Williams and D. Hubert
  • “Security Beyond the State: Global Security Assemblages in International Politics”,
    International Political Sociology 3(1) 2009: 1-17. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Democracy in the Age of Security”,
    The Constitution: A Journal of Constitutional Development 9(1) 2009: 1-20.
  • “Selling Security: Assessing the Impact of Military Privatization”,
    Review of International Political Economy 15(1) 2008:131-146. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Public/Private, Global/Local: The Changing Contours of Africa’s Security Governance”,
    Review of African Political Economy 35(118) 2008: 539-553. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Introduction: The Privatization and Globalization of Security in Africa”,
    International Relations (21) 2007: 131-141. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Securing the City: Private Security Companies and Non-State Authority in Global Governance”,
    International Relations (21) 2007: 237-253. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Security Sector Reform: Bringing the Private in”,
    Conflict, Security & Development 6(1) 2006: 1-23. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Blair’s Africa: The Politics of Securitization and Fear”,
    Alternatives 30 (1) 2005: 55-80.
  • “The Power of Partnerships in Global Governance”, Third World Quarterly 25 (8) 2004: 1453-1467. 
    Translated as ‘Partnerskap och makt i den globala styrningen’, Fronesis 38-39, 2012, Sweden. 
    Reprinted in Nic Cheeseman, ed., African Politics: Critical Concepts in Political Science; Africa and the World. Sovereignty, Dependency and Extraversion. (London: Routledge, 2016), pp. 247-264. 
    Reprinted in Tom Young, ed., Readings in the International Relations of Africa. (London:  International African Institute/Indiana University Press, 2015).
  • “A Breeding Ground for Terrorists? Africa and Britain’s ‘War on Terrorism’”,
    Review of African Political Economy 32 (102) 2004: 178-192.
  • “African Studies and the Postcolonial Challenge”,
    African Affairs 102 (407) 2003:189-210.  
    Translated as as ‘Estudos africanos e o desafio pós-colonial’, Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PosColoniais – REALIS, 2(2) 2012:183-206 Brazil).

  • “Ethics and Foreign Policy: The Antinomies of New Labour’s ‘Third Way’ in Sub-Saharan Africa”,
    Political Studies 49(2) 2001: 249-264. Co-author Paul D. Williams
  • “Development Policy and the Democratic Peace in Sub-Saharan Africa”,
    Conflict, Security & Development 1 (3) 2001:79-103.
  • “The Victory of Popular Forces or Passive Revolution? A Neo-Gramscian Perspective on Democratisation”,
    Journal of Modern African Studies 35 (1) 1997:129-152.
  • “Gender Dimensions of AIDS in Zambia”,
    Journal of Gender Studies 6 (2) 1997: 177-189.  

Book Chapters

  • “Pan-Africanism, Recognition, and World Order”, in Gunther Hellmann and Daniel Jacobi, eds., Rethinking World Orders. (Bristol: Bristol University Press, Forthcoming)
  • “The Radical Right Challenge to Global Cooperation”, in Gemma Bird and Sigrid Quack, eds., Understanding Global Cooperation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. (Forthcoming). Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “The Global South and International Security”, in CIDOB International Yearbook 2024. (Barcelona: Centre for International Affairs. 2024) In Spanish and Catalonian.
  • “International Security and the Rise of the Global South”, in Alexandra Gheciu and William Wohlforth, eds., The Oxford Handbook of International Security. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). pp.  382–396. Co-author Adam Sandor
  • “Golden Assemblages: Security and Development in Tanzania’s Gold Mines”, in Paul Highgate and Mats Utas, eds., Private Security in Africa. (London: Zed Books, 2017), pp. 15-31. Co-author M.C. Williams.
  • “Assemblages”, in Xavier Guillaume and Pinar Bilgin, eds., Handbook of International Political Sociology. (London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 253-261. 
  • “Frantz Fanon”, in Ned Lebow, Hidemi Sugenami and Peer Schouten, eds., The Return of the Theorists. (London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016), pp. 322-328.
  • “Discourses of Democracy, Practices of Autocracy: Shifting Meanings of Democracy in the Aid- Authoritarianism Nexus”, in Tobias Hagmann and Phillip Rentjens, eds., Aid and Authoritarianism in Africa: Development without Democracy. (London: Zed Books, 2016), pp. 21-43.
  • “Power”, in Aoileann N. Mhurchu and Reiko Shindo, eds., Critical Imaginations in IR. (London: Routledge, 2016), pp.153-165.
  • “Security Privatisation, the State and Development in the Global South”, in Daniel Hammett and J. Grugel, eds., The Palgrave Handbook of International Development. (London: Palgrave, 2016), pp. 243-357.
  • “Publics, Practices, and Power”, in Jacqueline Best and Alexandra Gheciu, The Return of the Public in Global Governance. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 243-256. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Tracing Global Assemblages, Bringing Bourdieu to the Field: A Conversation with Rita Abrahamsen and Michael Williams”, in Michele Acuto and Simon Curtis, eds., Reassembling International Theory: Assemblage Thinking and International Relations. (London: Palgrave, 2014), pp. 25-32.
  • “Security and the Privatization of Force and Violence”, inn Nic Cheeseman, David Anderson and Andrea Scheibler, eds., Handbook of African Politics. (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. 49-58. 
  • “Introduction: Conflict and Security in Africa”, in Rita Abrahamsen, ed., Conflict, Security and Development in Africa. (Oxford: James Currey Publishers, 2013), pp. 1-12. 
  • “The Seductiveness of Good Governance”, inn Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury, eds., Is Good Government Good for Development? The United Nations Series on Development. (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2012), pp. 29-51.
  • “Sovereignty, Security, Privatization: The New Contours of Africa’s Security Governance”, in Scarlet Cornelissen, Fantu Cheru and Tim Shaw, eds., Africa and International Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Still Challenging Theory? (London: Palgrave Macmillan 2011), pp. 162-176.
  • “Privatization in Practice”, in Vincent Pouliot and Emmanuel Adler, eds., International Practices. (Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. 310-331. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Securing the City: Private Security Companies and Non-State Authority in Global Governance”, in Bryan Mabee and Alex Colas, eds., Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits and Empires: Private Violence in Historical Context. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011), pp. 213-235. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Manfred Max-Neef”, in David Simon, eds., Fifty Key Thinkers on Development. (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 171-6.
  • “Democracia y desarrollo en África Subsahariana”, in Ana Rosa Alcalde and Alfonso Ortiz, eds., Democracia y buen gobierno en África Subsahariana. (Madrid: Fundación Carolina, 2007), pp. 3-32.
  • “Postcolonialism”, in Martin Griffiths, ed., International Relations Theory for the 21st Century. An Introduction. (London: Routledge, 2007), pp. 111-122.
  • “Globalisation, Privatisation and the Politics of Protection in South Africa”, in Jef Huysmans, Alan Dobson and Raika Prokhovnik, eds., The Politics of Protection: Sites of Insecurity and Political Agency. (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 34-47. Cco-author M.C. Williams
  • “The World Bank’s Good Governance Agenda: Narratives of Democracy and Power”, in Jeremy Gould and Henrik S. Marcussen, eds., Ethnographies of Aid-Exploring Development Texts and Encounters. (Roskilde: Centre for International Development Studies, 2004), pp. 15-44.
  • “Britain and Southern Africa: A Third Way or Business as Usual?”, in Korwa Adar and Rok Ajulu, eds., Globalization and Emerging Trends in African States’ Foreign Policy-Making Process. (London: Ashgate, 2002), pp. 307-328. Co-author Paul D. Williams
  • “Economic Liberalization, Civil Society and Democratization; A Critique of Some Common Assumptions in Contemporary Development Theory”, in Mette H. Hansen and Arild E. Ruud, eds., Weak? Strong? Civil? Embedded? New Perspectives on State-Society Relations in the Non-Western World. (Oslo: Centre for Development and Environment, 1996), pp. 15-25.

Selected Other publications

  • For recent commentary, see Commentary section
  • “The World of the Radical Right”, Dissent, Spring 2024. Roundtable discussion with Sam Adler Bell, S. Vucetic and M.C. Williams
  • “Transnational Nationalists: Building a Global Radical Right”, Political Insights 14(3) 2023: 28-31. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “African Democracy: Still Disciplined after All These Years?”, International Relations 27(2) 2013: 241-246.
  • “Africa in a Global Political Economy of Symbolic Goods”, Review of African Political Economy 39(131) 2012:140-142.
  • “Cape Town: Private Security and Public Space”, in Human Security for an Urban Century. (Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 2008). Co-author M.C. Williams.
  • “Beyond the Privatized Military: The Growth of Global Private Security”, Human Security Bulletin. (Vancouver: Canadian Consortium for Human Security, March 2008). Co-author M.C. Williams.
  • “Security Privatization and Human Security: Trends and Implications. Baseline Study”. (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, 2007). Co-author M.C. Williams.
  • “Briefing: The Politics of Private Security in Kenya”, Review of African Political Economy 104(5), 2005: 425-431. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “The Globalization of Private Security”, ISP/NSC Briefing Paper 05/02 The World Today, Royal Institute for International Affairs, November 2005: 5-7. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Country Report: Kenya”, Private Security Research Project. Economic and Social Research Council UK / University of Wales, Aberystwyth. January 2005. Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Country Report: Nigeria”Private Security Research Project. Economic and Social Research Council UK / University of Wales, Aberystwyth. January 2005. Co-author M.C. Williams 
  • “Country Report: Sierra Leone”, Private Security Research Project. Economic and Social Research Council UK / University of Wales, Aberystwyth, October 2004.  Co-author M.C. Williams
  • “Postcolonialism”, in Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics, M. Griffiths, ed., (London: Routledge, 2005), pp.670-678.
  • “Democratisation”, in Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics, M. Griffiths. ed., (London: Routledge, 2005), pp. 167-169.
  • “Review Essay: Poverty Reduction or Adjustment by Another Name?”, Review of African Political Economy 99 (31) 2004:184-187.
  • “Pengantar Edisi Bahasa Indonesia/Introduction to the Indonesian Edition”, Sudut Gelap Kemajuan, 2004: vii-xv.

Book Reviews

  • Benabdallah, L.  Shaping the Future of Power: Knowledge Production and Network-Building in China-Africa Relations (2020).  Reviewed in H-Diplo Roundtable XXIII-13, 2021.
  • Young, J.  South Sudan’s Civil War: Violence, Insurgency and Failed Peacemaking (2019). Reviewed in African Affairs 119(477) 2020:647–64
  • Dwyer, M. Soldiers in Revolt: Army Mutinies in Africa (2017). Reviewed in War in History 27(2) 2020: 333-335.
  • Duncan, J. The Rise of the Securocrats. The Case of South Africa (2014). Reviewed in African Studies Review 59(2) 2016: 253-254
  • Kirsch, T. G. and Grätz, T. Domesticating Vigilantism in Africa (2010). Reviewed in Review of African Political Economy 40(137) 2013: 496-497
  • Omeje, K. High Stakes and Stakeholders: Oil and Conflict in Nigeria (2008). Reviewed in Review of African Political Economy 36(12) 2009: 307- 308
  • Englund, H. Prisoners of Freedom: Human Rights and the African Poor (2006). Reviewed in African Studies Review (50(2), 2007: 256-257
  • Broch-Due, V. (ed) Violence and Belonging. The Quest for Identity in Post-colonial Africa (2005) and Kaarsholm, P. (ed) Violence, Political Culture and Development in Africa (2006). Reviewed in Journal of Southern African Studies 33(3), 2007: 705-706
  • Lumumba-Kasongo, T. (ed) Liberal Democracy and its Critics in Africa: Political Dysfunction and the Struggle for Social Progress (2005). Reviewed in Review of African Political Economy 33(110) 2006:787-788.
  • Mentan, T. Dilemmas of Weak States. Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (2004). Reviewed in Africa 75(4) 2005: 634-635.
  • Gyimah-Boadi, E.  ed. Democratic Reform in Africa: The Quality of Progress (2004). Reviewed in African Studies Review 48(2) 2005:190-192
  • Rothberg, R. ed. When States Fail (2003). Reviewed in Political Studies Review 3(1) 2005: 130-150.
  • Vale, P.  Security and Politics in South Africa. The Regional Dimension (2003). Reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies 42 (1), 2004:161-162
  • Zartman, I.W and Deng, F.M. A Strategic Vision for Africa. The Kampala Movement (2002). Reviewed in Political Studies Review 1 (3)2003: 454-464
  • Leftwich, A. States of Development (2000). Reviewed in International Affairs 77 (4) 2001:998-999
  • Nederveen Pieterse, J., ed. Global Futures. Shaping Globalization (2000). Reviewed in Cambridge Review of International Affairs 14(2) 2001: 367-369
  • Diamond, L. and Plattner, M., eds. 1999 Democratization in Africa (1999). Reviewed in International Affairs 77(1) 2001: 229-230
  • Thomas, C. and Wilkin, P. eds. Globalization, Human Security and the African Experience (1999). Reviewed in Conflict, Security and Development 1 (1) 2001: 131-133
  • Abbink, J. and Hesseling, G. eds Election Observation and Democratization in Africa (1999). Reviewed in Political Studies 49 (2) 2001: 391
  • Nohlen, D., Thibaut, B. and Krennerich, M. eds. Elections in Africa: A Data Handbook (1999). Reviewed in Political Studies 49 (2) 2001: 390
  • Ishikawa, K. Nation Building and Development Assistance in Africa (1999). Reviewed in Political Studies 48 (3) 2000: 658
  • Ihonvebere, J.O. Economic Crisis, Civil Society and Democratisation. The Case of Zambia (1996). Reviewed in Journal of Modern African Studies 35(2) 1997: 351-354
  • Afshar, H. ed. Women and Politics in the Third World (1996). Reviewed in Journal of Gender Studies 7(2) 1998: 232-233

Invited Lectures and Conference Papers (last 10 years)

Invited Lectures

  • “World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order”. University of Belgrade, Serbia, 16 May 2024
  • “World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order”. Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, Serbia 16 May 2024
  • “World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order”. Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, UK. 9 May 2024
  • “World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order”. Department of International Relations, University of St Andrew’s, Scotland.  19 March 2024
  •  “World of the Right: Radical Conservatism and Global Order”. Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. 21 February 2024
  •  “Reactionary Dystopias: Political Imaginaries on the Radical Right”.  International Relations and History Working Group, Cambridge University, UK. 6 February 2024
  • “Global Right, Global White: South Africa in the Political Imaginary of the Radical Right”. Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), South Africa, 7 November 2023
  • “World of the Right. Radical Conservatism and Global Order”. Department of Politics, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 20 September 2023
  • “Global Right, Global White: South Africa in the Political Imaginary of the Radical Right”. Department of History, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 10 October 2023
  • “The Future of Critical Security Studies”. Public Roundtable, Queen Mary University of London, UK, 18 April 2023
  •  “Global Right, Global White”. Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 12 November 2019
  • “Global Right, Global White”. Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) São Paulo, Brazil, 6 November 2019
  • “Global Right, Global White”. Keynote address, VII Research Symposium in International Relations ( SimpoRI ), Inter-Institutional Graduate Program in International Relations, San Tiago Dantas, São Paulo, Brazil, 5 November 2019
  • “Contending Visions of World Order in Pan-Africanism”. Käte Hamburger Lecture, Centre for Global Cooperation Research,  Duisburg, Germany 16 April 2019
  • “The Dangers of Securitization: Towards an International Political Economy of Conflict”. 
  • African Peace Network/Social Science Research Council (US), Nairobi 8 January 2019
  • “The Place of Africa in International Relations and Security Studies”. Keynote address, Drone Proliferation and Use in Africa: Security Risks and Strategic Considerations, PRIO, Oslo, 31 August 2018
  • “Fieldwork in Africa: Dos and Don’ts”. African Peace Network/Social Science Research Council (US) workshop, Kigali, 21 June 2018
  • “Decolonizing International Relations: Contending Visions of World Order in Pan-Africanism”. Public Lecture, Centre for International Relations Research, Groningen University, 19 April 2018 
  • “Space, Assemblages, Fields: Africa and International Relations”. Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1199: Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition, Leipzig University, 14 June 2017
  • “Africa and International Relations: Assembling Africa, Studying the World”, Global and European Studies Institute, Leipzig University, 13 June 2017
  • “The Politics of Uncertainty”, CISS Global Forum: Peace and Security under Uncertainty, Centre for International Security Studies, University of Sydney, 28 April 2017
  • “Development and Security in the Twenty-First Century”, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Sydney, 6 April 2017
  • “Return of the Generals? Global Militarism in Africa”, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London 8 February 2017
  • “Development and Security in the Twenty-First Century”, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 7 February 2017
  • “Development and Security in the Twenty-First Century”, Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University, 2 February 2017
  • “Development and Security in the Twenty-First Century”, University of London Institute in Paris. Paris, 31 January 2017
  • “Development and Security in the Twenty-First Century”, School of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary, University of London, London 18 January 2017
  • “Securing Development: The Structural Transformation of Development as a Field of Practice”, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, 23 May 2016
  • “The Causes and Consequences of the Global Rise (and Rise) of Private Security”,  Public Lecture, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, 16 February 2016
  • “Assembling Africa, Studying the World’”, Keynote Address, Annual Conference of the Centre for African Studies,  University of Edinburgh, 29 May 2015
  • “The Corporate-Security-Development Nexus.  Assembling Security in the Post-Political Age”, Annual Lecture, Center for the Study of Global Security and Development, Queen Mary, University of London, 10 March 2015
  • “The Corporate-Security-Development Nexus.  Assembling Security in the Post-Political Age”, Centre d’etudes des relations internationales /SciencesPo, Paris, 5 March, 2015
  • “The Corporate-Security-Development Nexus.  Assembling Security in the Post-Political Age”, Keynote Address, Workshop ‘Security at Large’, Amsterdam University, 19 January 2015
  • “Exporting Security Governance through Security Sector Reform”, Workshop ‘Decentering Security: Building and Policing Communities at Home and Abroad’, University of California, Berkeley, 12 December 2014
  • “Private Security and Resource Extraction in Africa”, Department of Afro-american and African Studies, University of Michigan, 23 September 2014
  • “Global Security Assemblages and the Reconfiguration of Political Power”, Keynote, Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), 28 May 2014 
  • “Opportunities and Challenges for African Studies”, Keynote Address, The Comparative Politics Studies Group Seminar, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto, 13 March 2014
  • “Global Security Assemblages in Fragile Environments”, Keynote address, World Bank workshop on private security in fragile environments, Nairobi, 9 December 2013

Conference Papers

  • “Researching the Global Radical Right”. Central and East European International Studies Association Workshop, Rijeka, Croatia, 16 June 2024
  • “World of the Right”. British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference, Birmingham 6 June 2024
  • “Globalizing the Right”. Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal 16 March 2023
  • “The African Union, Pan-Africanism and the Liberal World (Dis)-Order”. Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal 16 March 2023
  • “Perspectives on Decolonizing the Syllabus”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), Nashville 29 March 2022
  • “White Genocide: The South African Right Meets the Global Alt-Right”,  African Studies Association, Boston 21 November 2019
  • “White Genocide: The South African Right Meets the Global Alt-Right”, British International Studies Association (BISA), London 14 June 2019
  • “White Genocide: The South African Right Meets the Global Alt-Right”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto 28 March 2019
  • “Contending Visions of World Order in Pan-Africanism’”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 5 April 2018
  • “Return of the Generals? Global Militarism in Africa”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 7 April 2018
  • “Global Security Assemblages and the Reassembly of International Theory”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, 28 March 2014
  • “The Corporate Security-Development Nexus”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, 25 March 2014
  • “Postcolonial Theory, Africa and IR”, Annual Meetings of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, 3 April 2013


  • Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, ($176,000) University of Birmingham, 2024-25    
  • Connection Grant, ($17, 836) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
    Project: The African Union at 20: Pan-African Pasts and Futures. 2022
  • Insight Grant, ($83,999) Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada. 
    Project: Global White, Global Right: Transnational Radical Conservatism and South Africa. 2020.
  • Connection Grant, ($24,632) Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada
    Project: Middle Power Liberal Internationalism in an Illiberal World. 2018
  • Insight Grant, ($221,000) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
    Project: The World of the Right. Co-investigator with M.C. Williams, A. Gheciu, S. Vucetic.  2017.
  • Research Grant, ($60,000) Norwegian Research Council.
    Project: Urban Governance and Global Governance. Co-investigator with M.C. Williams. 2011.
  • Insight Grant, ($109,166) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
    Project: Private Security and the Resource Curse in Africa. 2010
  • Major Research Grant, (£125,488) Economic and Social Research Council, UK. New Security Challenges Research Program
    Project: The Globalization of Private Security. Co-investigator with M.C. Williams. 2004
  • Small Research Grant (£3,800) British Academy.
    Project: The Globalization of Private Security. Co-investigator with M.C. Williams. 2002.
  • University Research Fund (£2,500) University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 
    Project: The Globalization of Private Security. Co-investigator with M.C. Williams. 2002.


Courses Taught

 Graduate Seminars

  • University of Ottawa
  • API 6331 Political Violence in Africa  
  • API 6330 African Politics in a Global Era
  • MDG5120 Understanding to Globalization
  • MDG 5195 Postcolonial Theory and Development
  • University of Aberystwyth
  • IPM 1320: Postcolonial Politics 1: Power, Colonialism, Identity 
  • IPM 1420: Postcolonial Politics 2: Development, Democracy, Resistance

Undergraduate Courses

  • University of Ottawa
  • ECH3330: Violence, Conflict and Security in Africa 
  • DVM3330: Transnationalism and Development 
  • DVM4120: International Development Issues in Africa 
  • University of Aberystwyth
  • IP 10620: Introduction to the Third World in International Politics 
  • IP 33520: Power, Conflict and Development in Africa

Invited External Teaching

  • IPS PhD Winter School, Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2017
    Course: Security, Development, Democracy
  • Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2015
    Course: African Politics in a Global Era
  • Euromed Management Business School, Bordeaux, 2015 
    International Seminar: ‘Africa Rising?’ 
  • Euromed Management Business School, Marseille, 2013
    International Seminar ‘Africa Rising?’ 

Graduate Supervision and Examinations (completed)

  • Principal and co-supervisor supervisor
  • 16 PhD dissertation
  • 25 MA major research papers
  • 2 MA theses (Ottawa)
  • 20 MA theses (Aberystwyth)
  • External PhD examinations
  • 14 PhD theses examined in 6 countries

Academic Service

Institutional leadership

  • Director, Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS), University of Ottawa, 2017-2023
  • Chair of the Board, African Peacebuilding Network, Social Science Research Council 2020-2024

Journal Editorships

  • Joint-editor, African Affairs, 2009-2014
  • Co-editor, Review of African Political Economy, 2000-2008
  • Book review editor, Review of African Political Economy, 2006-2008

Board Membership - Journals

  • African Affairs (2009-present); African Security (2019- present); International Political Sociology (2009-present); Review of International Studies (2016-2023); Review of African Political Economy (2000-2024); Journal of Intervention and State-Building (2007-present); Journal of International Relations and Development (2018-present); PARISS (2020-present) Territory, Politics, Governance (2007-2020)

Board Membership - Book Series

  • Oxford Studies in African Politics and International Relations, Oxford University Press (2020-present); Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa, Zed Books (2016-2022); Spaces of Peace, Security and Development, Bristol University Press (2021-present); Emerald Studies in Plural Policing, Emerald Publishing (2020-present).

Journal Manuscript Reviews

  • African Affairs; American Political Science Review; African Security; African Studies Review; Australian Journal of Political Studies; Cambridge Review of International Studies; Civil Wars; Conflict, Security, Development; Contexto Internacional (Brazil); Contemporary Political Theory; Crime, Law and Social Change; Critical Military Studies; Critical Terrorism Studies; European Journal of International Relations; European Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics; European Security; Foreign Policy Analysis; Forum for Development Studies; Journal of Modern African Studies; Journal of  Security Studies; Journal of International Development; Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding; Journal of Contemporary African Studies; Journal of Modern African Studies; Journal of Peace Research; Journal of Southern African Studies; Global Studies Quarterly; International Affairs; International Journal; International Relations; International Political Science Review; International Review of Administrative Studies; International Political Sociology; International Studies Review; International Studies Quarterly; Millennium; Minerva: Women and War; New Political Economy; Policing & Society; Politique africaine; Policy and Politics; Political Studies; Progress in Development Studies; Review of African Political Economy; Review of International Political Economy; Review of International Studies;  Security Dialogue; Security Studies; Third World Quarterly;

Book Manuscript Reviews

  • Cambridge University Press; Continuum Books; Oxford University Press; Frank Cass; Routledge; Palgrave-Macmillan; Pluto Press; Polity; University of Michigan Press; Zed Books

External Program Examinations and Reviews

  • Chair, External Review Team, School of International Studies, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 2016; External Assessor, Department of Society and Globalization, Roskilde University, Denmark, 2011; External Examiner, Dublin City University, MA in International Relations and MA in Globalisation, Ireland, 2004-2009; Member, External Accreditation Board for two new MA programs, Dublin City University, Ireland, 2006.

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