Discussion of World of the Right in DISSENT

Discussion of World of the Right in DISSENT

Global Right
August 6, 2024

The World of the
Radical Right

A roundtable discussion on the global networks and political strategies of nationalist conservatives.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference held in August 2022 in Texas. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

The right’s counter-hegemonic struggle has not only been at the level of ideas. It has also been diligently pursued in practice. Social media and the digital universe have been crucial, but the struggle has also been fought in the more traditional battleground of universities and academic publishing. In the last decade or so, we’ve seen a massive expansion of radical right-wing publishing houses. They have reissued classic right-wing texts and published new ones. The English-speaking publishing houses have been at the forefront of translating the French radical right. They take ideas and the counter-hegemonic struggle very seriously. They’re trying to construct an ideological history that distinguishes them from fascism. They are trying to say, “We deserve a place at the university.” In fact, they’re trying to change the university.

Read more here.


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Source (Unsplash)