Uganda’s harsh anti-gay campaign could spread beyond its borders

Uganda’s harsh anti-gay campaign could spread beyond its borders

African Politics & Democracy
May 31, 2023

Globe and Mail, 31 May 2023

Uganda’s Harsh Anti-Gay Campaign Could Spread Beyond its Borders
Photo by Antoine Plüss on Unsplash

Being gay in Uganda has never been easy. It just got a lot worse, and a lot more dangerous.  Against fierce domestic and international pressure from human rights defenders, President Yoweri Museveni has signed into law one of the harshest anti-gay bills in the world.  Homosexual activity was already illegal in Uganda, but the new Anti-Homosexuality Act means that anyone convicted can face life imprisonment. So-called aggravated cases of homosexuality are now punishable by death. This includes gay sex with someone below the age of 18, someone of ‘advanced age’, or with someone infected with HIV/AIDS.  Anyone ‘promoting’ or ‘normalising’ homosexuality may face a 20-year prison sentence.

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Source (Unsplash)